
The Art of Blogging

Happy Saturday night, people!

I intended to do an entry much earlier than now, because I wanted to elaborate on my blog post from yesterday about how we can create our ideal lives; but I got tied up with some errands earlier today, and by the time I knew it, it was time to get prepared for my pet radio show (The Missy Show).  Then after each episode, I have to do some social media show promotion and do a blog entry about the day’s show–so that ends up taking quite a bit of time.

I said all the above to say, that I have not forgotten about posting for this blog.  It’s just that right now, with all the promotion of The Missy Show stuff, my mind isn’t focused enough to talk about what I want and have it come truly from the heart.  I don’t want to rush my thoughts and write something sub-par, so I’ve decided to write my ideas about creating the ideal life tomorrow. 

I really enjoy blogging, but having two blogs and a radio show can be a challenge–but it’s a challenge I gladly accept.  I just need to learn to juggle it all a big better better.  On a lighter note, I did get my eyebrows arched today.  I was beginning to look like I had a caterpillar growing above each eye; so it’s nice to actually look human again.  After all, the blog is called Girl October, not Beast October (had to end things on a funny note).

So until tomorrow,
you guys have a great night–and I will get the promised entry out tomorrow!

If you want to check out today’s Missy Show episode, “Little Known Pet Holidays and Observances”, you can listen in the archives here:

Or check out today’s blog entry: