
September is here!

Happy Friday, G.O. readers!

Well we are four days into September!  Which means we are 19 days away from it being officially Fall!  I know I’m supposed to be laying off of the Fall posts some, but I couldn’t resist since August is gone.  I’m trying to resist the temptation to go over to Black Friday at Gotta Deal.com to see if people are already talking on their forums.  People take their Black Friday shopping seriously, and start planning pretty early.  On some of their forum posts I’ve read in the past, there were people who started listening to Christmas music in August and September!  I like Christmas time a lot, but even I’m not that dedicated, (not that I see anything wrong with it–I say if it brings you joy, go for it).

Since this is a three day weekend for me, I’m planning to see if I can catch some Labor Day sales or just do some window shopping.  I’ll also use this time to come up with some more blog entry ideas and to organize and see which Fall recipes I want to try this year.  These are some lemon cupcakes my friend made last weekend.  I’m going to try them too:

Lemon Cupcakes


I know these aren’t necessarily a Fall recipe, but it’s still Summer anyway–so why not?  I’ll post the recipe for them in another post.

While I was in Wally World last weekend (my name for Walmart), I noticed they have even more of their Fall selections out.  I think I already posted some of the stuff, but this is what I saw last week:

Fall Kitchen Towels

Fall Oven Mitts


Mini Pumpkins

They even have Thanksgiving decorations



Well, that’s all for now.  Distractions are starting to roll in and the demands of the workday beckon.  Here’s to wishing you all a Fantastic Friday and Labor Day Weekend!

Girl October