Past Blogger Posts, Shopping/Deals

Bath and Body Part 2

Happy Friday, my friends!

Hopefully all of you are geared up for a fabulous weekend.  I wanted to post something more thought provoking than this, and I do have some ideas in the works, but I need to sit with them a bit more, before I put pen to paper, (or better yet, fingers to keyboard); so I thought I’d share another Bath and Body post, since I’ve actually made a purchase now. 

Ok, so the other night, I bought some stuff when I saw they had free shipping on $30 or more.  I thought that was a pretty good deal, since I usually try to stay at around $30 or so anyway.  Their normal flat rate of $5.99 can sometimes put a damper on your deal, because it makes it not seem quite as good–especially during those times you’re just intending to buy about $15 worth of stuff.  But at any rate, I won’t share which products I specifically bought, because they’re Christmas gifts, and I don’t want my recipients to know what they are, (not that they read this blog anyway–but you never know).  I will say that each body wash, lotion, and body spray I purchased, was only $3 a piece!  Sweet!  They were regular like $12 or $12.50.  And I got some hand soap too!  So my order is on the way.  Yay!

My latest temptation, is this weekend’s $10, three wick candles!  I’m not going to give in, but that’s an awesome deal, considering they’re regularly $22.50 a piece.  This is one of those situations where the shipping fee kind of takes away from the deal, but shipping or not, it’s still awesome–and then there’s always the option of going in the store and purchasing, (no shipping fees).  But okay, enough going on and on…this is what I’d like to buy, (but won’t–because I have self control–I think).

$10 Candles
Makes me think of a scoop of vanilla icecream on a sugar cone.

I love food scented candles!  I bet this smells like heaven.


This makes me think of my yummy lemon brownies
Of course my favorite candles are the Autumn and Holiday themed ones, (with any form of a Pumpkin scent, being my absolute fave), but those aren’t available yet.  You’ll definitely be seeing me do another post on candles, once they get those going (probably late August or early September).  Let me just say, that I have never tried any of the candles above.  These are just the ones I’d like to purchase.

I also like the deep cleansing hand soaps.  I actually like all the hand soaps, but the deep cleansing is my favorite.  The foaming kinds are cool too.  Many of these are also just $3 right now.  Some are also $3.25.  These deep cleansing soaps, look like some I might want to try for Summer.  Once again, the Autumn, Holiday, and Food Scented ones are my favorites though:



Deep Cleansing Hand Soaps

I wanted to compose some more, but it’s getting later and later, and this post was supposed to be released hours ago; so I’m going to cut it, here.  Don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll at least have a part 3 before this sale is over.  I’m trying to be strong and not buy anymore.  After all, Fall is still on the way!  Gotta save some room for my Pumpkin scents.

I’ll hit you guys up again soon.  Until then,


Bless your October Souls!