Happy Wednesday evening, October Souls!
I apologize for putting these posts out so late, (not that I said I’d have them out by a specific time). I’m more of a morning person and prefer to have all this stuff already done by 8 am. But so far, that ain’t been happening, so I choose to go with the flow. Things aren’t all neatly wrapped up in a bow right now, the way I prefer them to be, but I’m still winning anyway.
Speaking of which…winning is the topic of tonight’s post.
What does “winning” mean to you? What does it look like? What does it feel like? If you think the way I typically do, you probably define winning as having things go your way, getting the thing you wanted, having a lot of money, having good things show up in your life, having good health, a great job, a nice house and car, etc.
And I would have to say that all those things are forms of winning, but they’re not the only form of winning. What if I told you, you could still be winning even when you don’t feel like you’re winning–even when things aren’t going your way? Even when you’re down on your luck, without a pot to piss in? (sorry, if that language got a little terse, that’s just one of those old sayings my grandma frequently said).
Well, I’m here to tell you that you can very much still be winning when it seems “the bottom has fallen out.” You wanna know why? Because winning is a state of mind. Winning is an attitude. Being a winner is a moment by moment, day by day choice. Just the fact that you’re still here, participating in this life is a win. You’re still showing up, putting in work. Thinking about just how much you’ve come through in your life, and yet you still stand, should make you feel like a winner in and of itself.
Are things perfect? No. Can they still be very much jacked up? Sure they can. And you can still choose to see yourself as winning while you’re in the midst of your mess. We’re all simply in process, and that’s okay. Nobody has it all together. And that’s just fine; we’re still out here making moves. And you know what? The more you tell yourself, that despite the things going on around you, you’re still out here winning, you start to take on that energy, and the universe (God) will meet you half-way and send you more evidence to prove you’re winning.
You just have to choose to see winning as a way of life for you. It’s like when people talk about how crash diets don’t work long term, but turning healthy food choices and habits into a lifestyle does, and is what keeps the weight off. The same goes for winning. Choose to be thankful for what you do have and give yourself credit for even your smallest accomplishments. Make those things habits.
Lastly, this whole business of winning is about setting yourself up to win everyday. It’s having a vision for how you’d like your days, weeks, and months to unfold. You don’t have to be rigid about it. Be flexible and open to something awesome transpiring that you didn’t anticipate.
It’s not about planning for everything–that’s impossible. It’s just about being clear about your priorities and what you’d like to bring about in your life. Making this habit increases your chances of bringing forth more of those things that we traditionally see as wins (even though it’s not just about that–it’s about peace of mind and feeling authentic and more aligned with your values).
One item I have in my arsenal to help in this regard is the “Out Here Winning” Planner. It’s an undated three-month planner that assists you in having an over-all winning view of your life, by helping you stay organized and focused on daily, weekly, and monthly goals, tasks, and vision for 90 days. It also invites you to look for ways to win each week and month (and couldn’t we all use more of those?). It’s available on Amazon on Friday, the 13th for S10.99. More info on the digital version to come.
That’s it for now.
I wanted to go further, but my shoulders and wrist are insisting I go take a hot soak and call it a night. I’ll see you guys back here on Friday. Fall posts coming this weekend, I promise!