
Autumn is here!

My favorite time of year is officially here!  It’s Fall!

One of the reasons I love Fall so much is because for me, it represents a slowing down of things.  I guess because I can tend to have a type A personality, the idea of things slowing down is very appealing.  It’s a much needed break from my usually frazzled and racing mind.  If Spring is about everything coming alive and rebirth, then Fall is about reflection and peacefulness. It’s about taking a breather and looking back at all the hectic activities and hustle & bustle left over from summer.

As a kid, I loved summer just for these very reasons.  School was out.  The whole day just stood before me full of endless possibilities.  What game would my friends and I play today?  Which park would we walk to?  What adventures would we embark upon?  In many ways, Summer still feels frantic to me now as an adult.  It’s cheery, brightness and longer daylight hours seem to demand participation, stamina, and a ‘go-go-go’ attitude.  It’s the time for obtaining ‘the beach body’, going on vacations and road trips, barbecues and yard work, and just a general feeling of having to be ‘on‘. That’s not to say that there is anything wrong with Summer.  I’ve had some awesome summers past; but since I’ve been an adult, I find that I appreciate the lazy feel of Autumn more.

As the cooler weather sets in and the days are shorter, something within me just feels calmer.  It’s like my internal rhythm is more in tune with Fall, (despite my racing, ever-chattering mind).  I am happily reminded to slow down.  There is no demand to be here and do this.  Fall invites me to curl up under a blanket and read a book, cuddle with my husband, or sit and think about how I’d like to let this Christmas be about quality vs quantity.

Fall also ushers in the holiday season.  All my favorite holidays are in Fall (except Christmas–I tend to forget that it’s in Winter).  For me, Fall just feels more magical. And even though we don’t get all the magnificent leaf colors here in the south, I enjoy the small bit of color we do get.  I love the early, dark evenings, pumpkin cheesecakes, harvest decorations, Thanksgiving cooking, Black Friday shopping, seasonal items in stores, scary Halloween movies that make way for holiday movies, warm beds with thick covers, lazy Saturdays, scrumptious, warm food at a pub with friends, and family holiday dinners.  I just love Fall!  The other seasons ain’t so bad either…….?

So sorry about my long diatribe.  I just wanted to share one of the things that makes my heart sing. So here’s to wishing everyone an awesome start to Fall!
Until next time……………