
Worry, Angst, Relief!

Greetings, G.O. readers!

I wanted to post this morning, but I was too keyed up to sit down and produce anything meaningful.  Do you ever have certain duties at your job that you dread doing?  Well today I had some of those “dreaded” duties to complete.  Side bar–when it comes to my 9 to 5, I prefer to just be able to come in and do my eight hours and go home.  I will give you all I have to give.  I just hate when extra stuff is added that makes things harder than they have to be.

I am not going to turn this post into a complaint-palooza.  I just wanted to share how I came through things this morning, even though I was really nervous about having to go out and drum up business for my company.  I thought about what I was discussing in my post from yesterday, so I did my best to try to feel what it would be like to already have the undesirable part of my day over with.  I imagined myself walking back into my building with the task already behind me.  I let myself feel the relief I would feel when it was over, and reminded myself to let go of the outcome and simply do my best.

I won’t sit here and say that it was easy.  My nerves still got the better of me at times, and the negative thoughts still came in, but I chose to keep focusing on the positive things.  I chose to be glad I had a car to drive, (even though I didn’t want to drive to these particular places); and I focused on being thankful for simply having a job so that I can buy the things I want and need, (even though everything about the job isn’t ideal).  And I’m happy to report, that things went better than I expected.  I ended up at just the right places I needed to be and met some cool people.  I even got some unexpected useful information that wasn’t even job related.

Does this mean that the next time I will automatically have a better attitude and enjoy this part of my job?  Likely not.  I’m human.  I think that will never be a favorite part of my job duties.  But I can choose to use each time as a practice opportunity.  I can know that even though negative thoughts will come, it doesn’t have to mean I must identify with them.  And in the meantime, I can still focus on moving toward new and exciting career opportunities that will truly fulfill me (while still being appreciative of my current situation).  For now, I’m just glad to have that over with for this go-round!
Time to start focusing on creating better opportunities!!!!

Until next time…………………………………………….
Good vibes, people!!!!!!!