
Less Than A Week To Go!

Happy Friday, G.O. readers!

We now have less than a week until Christmas!  Hopefully everyone is finished with all their shopping.  I am pretty much done, with the exception of one or two things that will be picked up tomorrow.  So I’m hoping by noon tomorrow, Christmas shopping 2014 will be a wrap!  We had our annual Christmas breakfast this morning and played our “pass the bag” game for a chance to win cash prizes.  I won $20; so I was pretty happy about that.  It wasn’t the $60 bag–but I’m grateful for what I got.

With all the craziness of the holidays, let’s not forget to keep in mind what’s really important.  Family.  Friends.  Pets.  Food to eat.  A roof over our heads.  Gifts are awesome too, but half the time we can’t even remember what we received from one year to the next.  I think I can only remember one gift I got from last year, (and I got like 8 of them).  So the main things aren’t the gifts, it’s the blessings that come in other forms, (like eating dressing, mac, and ham while laughing it up with family and friends in a warm home).  Everyone isn’t so fortunate to even have access to the simple things we take for granted, such as having enough food to eat and a warm home.  So let us all remember to be thankful and to help those less fortunate, whenever we can.

With all the above said, I’m not going to complain that I’m sitting in the office right now, (even though I would rather be home kicking off my weekend).  Instead I will focus on the fact that over half the work day is done, and next week is a short work week.  I’m aware that my posts have been kind of sucky and borderline on rambling, (which is why I’m taking two weeks off from my radio show, The Missy Show, so that I can regroup and come up with fresh ideas for my two blogs and my show).  The goal is to come back in January with fresh ideas and a new game-plan.  I’m also still working on my book too, (more about that another time).

Ok, enough rambling.  Everyone have a great Friday.  I hope to do another blog entry or two before Christmas.  Until then, love, peace, and chicken grease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Girl October