
The Comeback is Coming

Greetings G.O. readers!  Yes, I know.  I guess I’ve still been practicing the art of having nothing to say.  Have I taken that blog entry too far?  I don’t think so.  I think I’ve just been juggling too many things at once, and I didn’t want to just post something just for the sake of posting something. 

My dream for this blog is to be able to reach and uplift myself and others in a positive way (with a dash of entertainment in there from time to time).  Lately, I’ve just still been in a phase of trying to balance everything out.  I’m working on a book that’s taking longer than I’d like it to.  I’m still working a 9 to 5 (that I am thankful for, but feeling less and less connected to).  I have an internet radio show that I do every Saturday (and a blog that goes with it).  I maintain the Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus pages for my Radio Show (and this blog).  And I’m steadily dreaming up ideas for how to get this blog to the place I would like to have it–and get another radio show going based on the ideals of this blog.  Then there’s ideas about websites and YouTube channels and…….etc–You get the picture.

Needless to say, I must prioritize.  You know, I’m tired of saying that and want to just do it.  But I’m human; so please forgive me if my ideals are bigger than my mind and body can keep up with.  It would probably be easier if I wasn’t working a fulltime job and I could strictly focus on my blogs and my book, and my radio show.  But such is life…….I’m very thankful to have a job until God moves me into the next phase of my financial life. 

At any rate, I just wanted to let those of you who do read this blog know that I am still alive. and you all are in my thoughts and prayers.  I don’t know you personally, but you’re all my human race family!  So there.  Just remember, the comeback is coming.  This is my year.  I’m another year older (just had a birthday); and I’ve entered into a new decade (age wise).  I’m taking responsibility for my life…..more on that topic later.  Here’s to making good things happen in this new year!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well that was cool.  I wrote more that I thought was in me.  LOL.  And here I was thinking all I could do was say hello and leave a link to my other blog entry (for those who like animals).   I’ll leave it anyway, just in case: http://shesatortie.blogspot.com/2015/02/groundhogs-groundhogs-everywhere.html
Thank you, God for the words.

Until next time, (hopefully not a month later),
Have a great remainder of your weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Girl October