
Cold, Rainy Nights Equal Contemplation

Hey there, G.O. readers!

I know I still have to pick up the frequency of my posts.  I think I’m just going to set a goal to write at least one post a week, (two would be even better).  Myself and my co-host from my pet radio show, have already been discussing starting “The Girl October” radio show on Blog Talk.  We are scheduled to formally get together for a pow-wow to hammer out what day of the week it would air, what time, and what topics we would initially discuss.  I just know I want the show to be a positive, uplifting vehicle for ourselves and our listeners.  I’ll let you know what we come up with.  We should be discussing this sometime on Saturday.  If we opt not to do a radio show, then I definitely want a website and perhaps even a forum where we can all share positive ideas.

While I am sitting here in my jammies and housecoat in a very drafty house right now, I started thinking again about a quality life.  I’ve discussed this in other posts, but this is a topic that frequently comes to my mind.  I have a tendency to be a perfectionist at times, so I sometimes sacrifice quality for the sake of quantity.  I find that I’m constantly taking on some new self-improvement project, or falling prey to the belief that the more I accomplish, it somehow makes me a more worthy or valuable person.  If I get the house perfectly cleaned and the laundry’s done regularly enough; if I set enough goals, or get rid of 10 bad habits all at once, (and pick up 10 positive ones); or have all my radio shows scheduled two months in advance; or have no disagreements with my husband, or………….you get the picture. 

All of that juggling, however, gets to be too much most days.  In those moments, I end up getting overwhelmed and end up getting much of nothing done–so I end up losing both quality and quantity.  As I sit here fighting the urge to cut the heat once again, I felt urged to consider striving for “bite sized quality moments“.  What I mean by that is, the practice of taking small chunks of time and making them have the most quality possible.  Even if you can only be present enough to have a quality 15 seconds, then start there.  And over time, practice having longer moments of quality time where you’re truly present and truly live within that particular moment of time (giving it your full attention). 

If you’ve got a sink full of dishes and the thought of tackling the whole thing depresses or overwhelms you, then say you’ll stand at the sink for only two minutes and you’ll give the best washing to how ever many dishes you can in that two minute period.  You might even find that you develop the mental fortitude to stay for another two minutes–or for long enough to complete the whole sink-full!  And we can do that with everything.  Tasks at work.  Praying.  Blogging.  Just break a larger task that you would normally use a quantified way to validate yourself, down into smaller quality tasks that you give your full attention to.

Okay, so that’s what I had to bring forth from me tonight.  I’m cold.  So I think I am going to retire under my electric blanket and send out a few tweets before the sheep come to take me away to dream land.  I pray that everyone has a wonderful remainder of the week.  Remember to strive to be the best versions of yourselves as possible!  Until next time………………………………..

This is Girl October

PS, Special thanks to all the sweethearts on Twitter for showing me “Twitter Love”.