
High Noon

Good afternoon, G.O. readers!

It’s a cloudy, dreary day here in the deep South, but I don’t mind.  I’ve just been bopping about the house getting things together for the upcoming week.  I just wanted to let you know that D (my Missy Show co-host), and I did have that pow-wow I talked about in my last blog entry.  We both are on board with doing a radio show dedicated to helping people tune in to their truth  and live from their highest selves; but we both came to an agreement that we don’t want to just put anything out there. 

We want it to be a quality show.  And in order for that to happen, we have to have adequate time to prepare.  Because we’d be starting out with a 30 minute format, we’d have limited time to make sure every word counted and that all info was quality, (not just filler).  Right now, we have to face the fact that we have a little too much going on, (working fulltime jobs, doing The Missy Show, maintaining two blogs, maintaining two different sets of social media outlets, writing and editing a book, etc.), to be able to devote ourselves to another radio show in the way we would want to. 

Now with all that being said, we are not scrapping the idea.  We are still working on how we can make it work.  We already decided that we would want it to air on a Saturday, just like The Missy Show.  It would tentatively be Saturday nights around 10PM, however, that could change.  We also discussed the possibility of not starting out as a weekly show, but instead every other week.  Until then.  I will be continuing with this blog; and now that a new month has come in, I have set a goal to do at least two entries a week.  So you can look forward to that.  Also, I am still very much interested in the idea of having a website for Girl October.  D and I discussed that too–and even agreed that might be an easier option to start with.  But for now, you  can still find me here and on Twitter, Facebook, and Google Plus.

Make your Sunday count.  Enjoy it to the fullest.  Next topic of discussion will be, “What Personality Rut Are You In?”.  This is just based on observations I’ve made from watching myself and my fellow human beings……….

Until next time,
Be kind to yourself and Others

Girl October