
I’m Getting Excited

Greetings, G.O. readers!

I hope everyone had a great weekend.  Sorry I’ve been out of pocket lately.  I think my last entry was last Monday.  I intended to do another one last week, but I allowed myself to get sidetracked.  Many times for me, it’s also about having something significant to say.  I have a fear of just getting on here and rambling, saying a lot of nothing–in those cases, I’d rather say nothing at all.  So even though I still don’t feel like I have anything all that significant to say, I decided to just share with you guys how excited I am that Fall is about to roll around again–plus this gives me a way to stay in touch.

About two weeks ago, I started to see the Autumn decorations put out in Wally World (Walmart).  This brought a warm and fuzzy feeling to my heart.  October is my favorite month of the year, but of course, September ushers in the beginnings of Autumn.  Even though it’s still hot as heck, here in the South, at least September brings us some hope of things cooling down. 

Potential Fall Wreath Material


I’ve already begun thinking about what types of new recipes I want to make for the upcoming months.  I still have to post the recipe I found for Lemon Brownies–that was my favorite quick and easy Summer go to dessert.  I’ll be sure to put that on here before it gets cool.  I’m expecting this Fall, to try a Pumpkin Spice cake recipe among other things.  I’m also plan to make a small test batch of dressing in mid-September.  I’m looking to improve upon my Thanksgiving classic.  And new mac and cheese recipes are always a must. 

I’m also embarking on a Fall/Halloween/Thanksgiving/Christmas poster project with my 7 year old niece.  I love the Fall/Holiday Season so much, I wanted to do a fun project with her over the next couple of months.  We’re either going to do a collage together each month starting in September or I’ll let her make one of her own and I’ll make the other.  Yeah, can you tell I’m a little crazy about the holidays?   Ok, let me not get overly carried away, (I could stay on this topic forever).

I just wanted to touch base with you guys and wish you a Magnificent Monday!  Let’s keep it positive!

Girl October