
It’s a New Year, So How’s It Going Down?

Greetings G.O. readers!  Happy New Year!

I’m back!  And no, I’m not dead–nor am I the Powerball Winner, (major sad face).  I’ve just found myself sort of voiceless.  I think my last blog entry might have been in October.  So yeah, it’s been a minute.  I didn’t mean to leave you guys hanging for so long, I just found myself struggling to find direction with this blog, plus my established pet blog, (The Missy Show blog); so I decided at the time to keep my focus on my pet blog since it was around first and I was, (and still am) doing The Missy Show.  Then there was “cargate”. 

On Halloween my 10 year old Civic decided it wanted to go kaput, (only on that day, I didn’t know it was actually going kaput).  I just thought it was acting up once again when it started bucking as I accelerated to pass someone doing granny driving.  It had quite a few “shop moment”s in 2015, which is odd for a Honda.  Last year was the start of my having temperature gauge issues with my car.  The needle would rise uncomfortably close toward the “H”, but never actually run hot; but anytime I would cut my A/C on, the needle would start to fall. 

I proceeded to take “Suzie”, (my aforementioned car’s name), to the Honda dealership, where they would then proceed to tell me they could find nothing causing the rise in temp.  This went on and off again from May 2015 until October–with a need for two tune ups thrown in for good measure.  She would go through spells where there were no temp incidents.  Then they’d start to flare up again.  Luckily I made it through the summer better than I could have anticipated; but the final straw came November 3rd when my hubby informed me that Honda’s Service Department had called him to say that my car was going to need another engine.  Oh, and I forgot to add that while all this was going on, my hubby was having issues with his SUV, (which started the day after Halloween). 

Needless to say, I was reeling at the news that my baby would need another engine after only 10 years.  Honda’s aren’t supposed to have major issues!  Oh, the injustice!  So faced with the expensive options of putting in a rebuilt motor or buying a new “head” for the engine, (I’m not a car person, so I’m not totally sure what that means–my husband tried to explain it), I decided to just get a brand new car.  And though I felt shaky about it, I stayed with the Honda family.  I just really like their cars, dang it!  What can I say?  So right at the beginning of November, a few weeks before my planned Black Friday shopping, I now realized there would be a kink in my gift giving festivities. 

Everyone would still get gifts, but I’d have to adjust and rearrange some things.  Plus, it just felt weird to have a brand new car earlier than I anticipated getting one.  I’d hoped to have at least five more years with my other one before I had to buy another vehicle.  Double dang it!  And it’s just bizarre to see my first “girl” sitting in the garage waiting for me to get her a brain transplant.  Or would it be a heart transplant?  Is the engine the brain or heart of a car?  Hmm……

Oh well, we made it through “car gate”, with me keeping Suzie and getting a brand new ride; and my other half finally getting his SUV fixed.  Thanksgiving was cool, (I cooked as I always do and enjoyed family time).  Christmas was good, (I love my Kindle HD and other gifts).  Janet Jackson postponed her concert dates, so our scheduled vacay got canned until further notice.  I gained some holiday weight.  Oh! And I forgot to mention I got my first rejection letter for my book back in October too–so now I’m going over which agencies I’ll submit to next); and I made it to a new year!  I need to say that one more time…..I made it to a new year! 

I said all that to say, that I’m sorry once again that I’ve been away.  I know you’ve all missed my rambling so much!  But I’m back for now.  Not gonna start off the new year with new promises on here.  I saw how that went last time.  This time I just want my actions to speak louder than my words.  It’s a new year.  Let’s get it poppin’.  Yeah I talk like that sometimes.  Maybe I was a hiphop chick from New York in a former life…….

Remember it’s never too late to make our dreams come true, (or at least to pursue new ones); and at the very least, actively do what we can to make them happen.  I think that’s all for now.  I love you guys.  I’ll be back.  But let me just shut up and let my actions show you that.  More good stuff to come.  For those of you who are pet lovers, still check me and my co-host out, Saturday’s at 5pm Central on The Missy Show: www.blogtalkradio.com/shesatortie

Holla at cha girl!

Peace out,
Girl October…………………………………..