
Me: Also Me

Greetings G.O. Readers!

Thanks for stopping by for another edition of the Girl October blog. 

As I walked out of Target Wednesday evening, entangled in a major guilt trip, (induced by the purchase of tollhouse cookies), I started thinking about how often we contradict ourselves as humans, and do the very things we say we don’t wanna do; like how we may want to lose 10 pounds, but order a dozen hot glazed, Krispy Kreme doughnuts when we see the “Hot Light” on; or how we might say we’re gonna find a YouTube workout video, so we can start exercising a few days a week, but instead, spend the next hour looking at cat videos. 

This line of thinking reminded me of these memes I’ve seen floating around online, called “Me, Also Me”.  You’ve probably seen them on Facebook, where there’s picture of someone saying or showing that they want to do some particular action, under the “Me” category, and then a picture of them doing, or describing themselves doing the exact opposite, under the “Also Me” category. 

Though many of them are comical, these memes perfectly reflect the paradoxical nature in each of us–how two separate parts of our psyches, wanting two totally different things, can both occupy the same space in our heads.  So in dedication to the Me, Also Me, memes–this is my personal Girl October version.

Me:  I’m going to cut back on the caffeinated drinks.  I need to drink more water.

Also me:  Chugs a 16oz Red Bull for the 3rd day in a row.

Me:  I’ll just eat three cookies a day til their gone.

Also Me:  One whole side of cookie container empty in 24 hours.

Me:  I want to lose 5 pounds and tone up a bit.
Also me:  Cooks myself breakfast for dinner, (cheese grits, eggs, and sausage)–skips treadmill.

Me:  I’m gonna start going to bed by 8pm on weeknights.
Also me:  I get in bed by 8, but spend an hour or so, scrolling through Tumblr on my phone.

Me:  I’m going to spend my lunch break coming up with new writing ideas.
Also me:  Falls asleep in my car for 45 minutes, (another variation is–spends the whole time wondering why my co-workers do the crap they do).

Me:  I’m going to make more time for prayer and meditation before I go to sleep.
Also me:  Just goes to sleep instead.

Me:  Contemplates our purpose in life, how we can be better, and the nature of God.
Also me:  Bath and Body Works is having a sale!

Me:  Looks forward to plans with others, that are far off in the future.
Also me:  Not really disappointed when they cancel.

Me:  Listens to Britney Spears.
Also me:  Listens to DMX.

Me:  (At Thanksgiving): I’m gonna bake a carrot cake, and make dressing, and macaroni, and a turkey roast, and…
Also me:  My legs hurt.  Why do I always commit to cooking so much?

Me:  I’m not gonna get stressed out about Christmas shopping.  Keeping it simple…
Also me:  Why is this so hard?  I just want to get everyone, presents they’ll love.

Me:  Yay!  It’s time to put up Christmas decorations!
Also me:  (4-5 weeks later) I don’t feel like taking down 7 trees.

Me:  I’m so tired.  I drift off right away.
Also me:  Wakes up at 1:30 am in a panic about something that happened 2 years ago.

Me:  Should be editing my story.
Also me:  Watches Supernatural finale instead–which was super worth it!

Hope you guys enjoyed my version of Me, Also Me.  What parts of your personality, conflict?
Share your examples in the comments.

Until next time,
Bless your October Souls.