
It’s Finally Here.

Hello, my October Souls!

Welcome to my new Girl October site. After many delays, I’ve finally launched my new site, here on Word Press. After being on Weebly and Blogger for a couple of years, this change has been a long time coming. I didn’t have a problem with either platform, but I kept hearing that Word Press was a better site to expand my horizons–so, here I am. Blog and website now both in one place. Ain’t I fancy?

Just kidding. It’s really about deciding to tackle the new year with a new way of doing things. Last year, ended with the suicide of a family member one week before Thanksgiving. That left me reeling a bit, and got me to further contemplating the direction my own life was heading.

In all honesty, I’ve actually had this website in “coming soon” mode since like August of 2018, but was trying to wait until I had everything perfect before I released it. As you’ll see upon further inspection, things never quite got around to being perfect; and I’m working on letting that be okay. My family member’s life wasn’t perfect. None of ours is, (despite appearances). At some point, action is required. Life is moving forward, and time waits for no one; plus, you gotta start somewhere, right?

So, I’m moving forward, keeping in mind that on the physical plane, none of us end up looking the way we start off. Our physical unfolding is a process. My newborn self looked a bit different from my six month old self. My six-month-old self wasn’t the same as my two-year-old self; and my two-year-old self was certainly changed from the “me” that came 10 years later, (and of course, my twelve-year-old, lanky, gawky self, was far removed from the woman of 30, I later became).

Were any of these physical versions of myself necessarily better than the others? No, not at all. Just different. They each had their share of both positive and negative attributes–with no form being more important than the it’s predecessor; each building upon the others.

So, welcome to this phase of Girl October. There will be newer and different phases, that will bring changes as time unfolds. I’m sure I will grow, and learn as the months turn into years, and this site will expand or condense, accordingly. And that’s okay. Such is life.

*Steps down off soapbox now*

If you haven’t already, please check out my “Home” page, and after that, head over to “The October Philosophy” page to learn more about this site and its purpose. Once again, thanks for joining me on this journey of growth and self-exploration.

Let’s unfold together…