Though the latter part of September is where autumn really begins, October is the first full month of the season, and probably the one most associated with it, (at least for me)–which is one of the reasons, it’s my favorite month.  Besides being perfectly positioned to be my “autumnal muse,” I feel that October provides us with an opportunity to recover from the frenzy and showiness of summer, (which is largely still in effect in September).

Fall itself, is a time for reflection–a time to assess what’s worked for us so far, in the year, and what hasn’t; it’s a time for getting our priorities straight–a time for crafting a preliminary plan for where we’d like to go for the upcoming year.  As the temps drop and the days grow shorter, it’s the perfect time to take a lighter pace and evaluate our progress and adjust our trajectories.  How can we finish strong? What actions do we need to follow through on, until the end of the year, (and which ones might we need to scrap)?

There’s a peaceful, dreaminess with the lessening sunlight and the arrival of shorter days. A blessed, stillness seems more readily available as the evenings dim and the temperatures give way to a calm, coolness. Here, we do our year-end, self-work.  As the leaves fall and die, so too do we release what’s no longer useful to us from the current year.  A fall state of mind is seeking refuge–taking time to reflect, recuperate, and regenerate.  It is crisp strolls in the park, crackling fires, and hot, hearty foods. It’s the welcoming of early nights and tender, sweet dreams beneath cozy, warm blankets.  It is a weekend heart, no matter what the day.

Fall is Harvest Season. For us personally this means reaping the fruit of all the love, energy, and positive efforts we’ve put out into the Universe from the previous months.   Fall also serves as host for the majority of the Holiday Season–providing much needed time to celebrate gratitude, giving, and spending time with family and friends.  So, what does all this have to do with The October Philosophy?

The October Philosophy utilizes all these elements to carry out the mission of helping others feel truly at home in and with their own existence, through the natural, progressive unfolding of a life dedicated to discovering, (and uncovering) joy, peace, possibilities, and vision.  The journey to this state of being is about focusing on and learning what really matters to you–about staying as present as you can to each moment of your life, and being truly interested enough in your own existence to find those things that make you feel more alive and joyous.  It’s being excited about your life and its potential it has; and being so curious about the new directions you could take your own life to, that there’s no time to hate on others’ achievements. You’re too busy on your personal path, being truly adamant about discovering and living your own most fully excellent life, and finding what’s authentic for you.

Being at peace and at home within your life is also about asking the right questions.  Who might we unfold into being if we fully invested in ourselves? What if we truly took the time to nurture our potential instead of constantly comparing ourselves to others? What talents and gifts might we uncover within us that we’ve yet to unlocked? Aren’t we tired of despising our perceived shortcomings, instead of exploring our innate power?  

I wish for all of you to be too stoked about the potential within yourselves, to be jealous of anyone else’s gifts and dreams. Instead, be excited to explore the God-given life force that is “You,” and be open to finding the good and mighty places your personal paths might lead.

It’s my hope that you become so full in your awesomeness and power, that it spills out of you and blesses everyone you come into contact with. In this state, there’s no need for competition or comparisons, because you’re only following your greatness–not someone else’s. What are your untapped inner resources?  What can you accomplish?   How can you unfold into the highest and best expression of yourself, across the board? Or into an ever-becoming, better version of yourself—even if only incrementally? 

What is your highest physical, mental, spiritual, and emotional potential? How prosperous could you become?  How joyous could you be?  How kind? How generous? How peaceful?  What’s the highest level possible for you in your relationships with God, your family, your friends, or anyone else, for that matter?   How do you craft your best destiny? Or how do you choose it?

So, with all that being said, what is October for you?

In other words, what are the things that bring you joy, and place you more firmly in a life and existence that feels like home?  Some of my Octobers are: finding ways to live the life described above, practicing spirituality and personal development, enjoying autumn and celebrating the holidays, exploring meta and quantum physics, contemplating life’s great mysteries, writing, reading, baking, and researching. 

Now it’s your turn to discover your own, and it’s my goal to assist you in getting there.  Allow me to help you beautifully unfold from where you are.  Find your October(s) and let them guide you toward a life that’s easier to sit in. Peacefully unfold as yourself and fall into a life that’s truly your own.   

Let’s begin this journey together–The October Way.

1 Comment

  1. admin says:

    I love October!

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