
How to Make Attention Your Super-Power

Blond woman with shades holding up her hand, behind a white, orange, and black sign that says, "How to make attention your super-power". With the words Girl October at the bottom.

Is Attention Your Super-Power?   If you’re like me and most other people, it’s probably not.  And maybe saying “super-power” is too strong of a way to put it–but then again, maybe it isn’t; because if we can learn to master our attention, (or at least have better command over it), our lives could potentially take off in ways we could never imagine.

In our last post, we left off with the question:  with our attention being pulled in so many different directions, which is the best way to go?  

We Can Only Hold So Much

Before we dive straight into that question, let’s remember that our minds can only focus on so much information at a time.  The brain can’t hold an unlimited amount of data.  Some stuff is going to get filtered out.  We simply can’t focus on all the information coming in through our senses, (nor are we supposed to).  Just the sheer amount of stimuli we encounter in a day, would cause our heads to explode. 

Because the brain sifts through all the outside elements thrown at it, and only selects and stores what it deems most important, the key is to train ourselves to hone in on less of the low-quality data, and instead on more higher quality information and experiences.  It better serves us to pinpoint our attention on what we want more of in our lives. 

What Don’t You Want?

Do we want more sickness, lack, and depression?  Do we want to continue struggling financially?  Do we want to remain anxious and feel powerless to change our circumstances for the better? The same can be said about aiming our attention on things that aren’t as extreme, but still don’t bring us the results we want in life, (such as playing phone games all day, spending hours scrolling on social media, gossiping, or hanging out with people engaged in low-vibe behavior). 

If we no longer want these feelings and circumstances in our lives, we have to stop mentally engaging with them.  Don’t worry; this doesn’t suggest that we live in a state of denial.  By all means, acknowledge what needs to be changed or could be better–but once once that’s done, we don’t need to keep giving these things our attention. 

But Then What?

Then it’s time to get laser-focused on what we do want to see more of–on what experiences we do want to have.  For the rest of this post, I feel the need to switch to the second person point of view, as I tend to do when I wanna stand on my soapbox, (but just know, I’m still preaching to myself too).  Spend more time pondering about the life do you want to live.  Be solution oriented, instead of dwelling on problems.  Focus on alternate ways to generate income.  Speak life into your experiences, (instead of defeat).  Focus on and choose new ways of reacting.  Commit to engaging in higher vibration activities and thinking patterns.  Keep your mind on your desired destination, not the current “clusterfuck situation” you may find yourself in. 

Go To The End Result

See the end result of what you want and keep that at the fore-front of your mind.  Once you’ve accepted and faced what’s not right in your life, don’t waste time harping on it. Maintain an “eye on the prize mentality.” If you harp on anything, harp on your dreams and the direction you desire to go in.  Get amped about the experiences you want to have and the person you want to become.  Remember, your attention is your most valuable commodity.  As I discussed in my first post, Attention is the New Currency, your attention influences the amount of personal energy you have at your disposal. 

Feeling drained?  What were you just thinking about?  Were you placing your attention on all the things currently “wrong” in your life?  Were you giving in to another hopeless narrative about how things can never change for the better?  Wouldn’t you rather feel jazzed, stoked, energized, hopeful, and exuberant?  If the answer’s yes, then get in the habit of being intentional about where you place your mental focus.

More For Another Time

Whew!  Okay, that was a lot!  I’m thinking I better let all that sink in for you guys, before I move on.  I know you wanna know how to make attention your super-power; but I’m saving the next leg of this discussion for another post, (yes, there’s gonna be a third attention post)!  In my third (and perhaps, final), post, I’ll share ways to assist in maintaining better control of your attention and directing it with intention.  In the meantime, an awesome book about the importance of attention in getting what you want is “Tufti the Priestess: Live Stroll Through a Movie”, by Vadim Zeland–available on Amazon (concepts there inspired this post and the one before it).

Until then, have an awesome upcoming week!

And bless your October Souls…


Girl October

1 Comment

  1. very nice put up, i actually love this website, carry on it

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