
Attention Is the New Currency

Large white exclamation point in the middle of an orange triangle, denoting a strong need for attention or focus.

I have something for you to consider–attention is the new currency.

As promised, I’ve finally come back to discuss a commodity perhaps more valuable than money, (I can see the virtual eyerolls now–but hear me out).  I came back today to talk about attention–you know, that thing we usually never seemed to have enough of in school, or when our parents were lecturing us–yeah, that attention…

Even if we lacked it or couldn’t focus it properly in our youth, it’s never too late to start.  But why should we even care about starting? What’s the big deal about attention?  Why should we pay attention?  What should we pay attention to?  How much attention should we give?  Are there some situations or people that shouldn’t receive our attention? 

Glad you asked…

First off, energy flows where attention goes (as the old adage goes).  Our energy is just as precious as our time.  We only have so much energy to expend each day; so it’s important to ensure that we’re intentional about what we’re placing our focus on from moment to moment.  If we find ourselves constantly focusing on all the negative, low-vibe things going on around us, we’ll notice our energy getting easily drained, (which can leave us feeling a bunch of icky, unwanted stuff like depression, despondency, a lack of motivation, anxiety, anger, irritability, etc). 

Placing our attention on the things we don’t want also decreases our chances of bringing about what we do want–which is why our attention is really our highest form of currency.  It determines how our energy and time are spent.  It’s hard to feel motivated and inspired when we spend too much energy on thoughts, people, and situations that make us feel bad; and unfortunately, events in the world at large and the media’s portrayal of them, (along with toxic advertising), doesn’t help us in properly allotting our attention. 

Media in all its forms, tends to hook our attention on the things that make us feel not-so-great about ourselves:  the news, with its constant updates on the latest murders, diseases, wars, and social upheaval, among a myriad of other doom and gloom; television and print media with their barrage of ads promoting mostly unattainable beauty and lifestyle standards, (such as magazines covers showing perfectly toned, size two bodies and promising to cure relationship woes in three simple steps); the latest squabble on your favorite reality show..

Then there’s still the petty, every day, real life issues that beg for our focus: our jobs; our children; our own insecurities; other people’s words and actions; our own busy minds with all their judgements and assessments;  what we’ll eat for dinner;  the single digit numbers in our checking accounts; health issues; bills; our love lives….

You get the gist…

So with our attention being pulled in so many different directions, which is the best way to go?  

I’m glad you wanna know.  And don’t worry.  I fully intend on telling you; but since this post was getting extra long, I’ve decided to split it into two separate posts (maybe even three).  So stay tuned for part two in the coming days!

Until then, remember to focus your attention!  

And here’s to wishing you a wonderful weekend…

Bless your October Souls!
