
Using the Magic of Askfirmations in Your Gratitude Practice

Happy Sunday, my October Souls!

Welcome to the latest edition of The G.O. blog.  I trust you all had a wonderful 11/11 yesterday.  Mine was pretty awesome for the most part.  Though I got off to a late start, I did get to sit down for 11 minutes and write out 11 things, changes, or outcomes I’m choosing for myself in 2024 (and now).  I’m so proud of myself for doing that. It felt good. If you don’t follow me on TikTok and didn’t get to see my post on doing this for 11/11, no worries; you can do it anytime (plus, there’s a 12/12 portal coming up next month anyway)!

Now onto the subject of tonight’s post-askfirmations. In Friday’s post, we discussed the power of being grateful in advance to improve moods, mental health, and overall happiness.  As we talked about in that post, being grateful before your desires actually materialize in physical form also serves as a way to assist you in staying aligned with them (not to mention the more grateful you are for what you already have and for what’s to come, signals the Universe to send you even more things to be grateful for).

So, what are askfirmations, you ask?  Askfirmations are a positive take on the negative questions we typically ask ourselves when things go wrong.  For example, if someone loses their job, they might ask, “Why do things like this always happen to me?”. Or, “Why is life so unfair?”.  Because your subconscious is always listening below the surface and is such an awesome problem solver, when you ask questions such as these, your subconscious will eventually find answers to these negative questions and provide evidence in your experience to support them happening; but with Askfirmations, instead of asking negative questions, we ask ourselves positive questions related to the conditions we would love to see in our lives.

An example of an askfirmation for seeing more money could be, “Why am I so wealthy now?” or “Why am I making over $10,000 every single month?” or “How did my financial situation improve so drastically?”.  It doesn’t matter if none of the previous statements are currently factual in your 3-D reality.  By saying these askfirmations, you are training your subconscious to find ways for these statements to be true or to provide you with “real” evidence of it being true.  If you’re not sure how to come up with an askfirmation, all you need to do is write out what you desire and then turn it into a question that you repeat with enthusiasm and appreciation.

If a new home is on your list, you could say, “Why am I living in my dream home? How did I get so lucky??” You could also ask, “Why can I now afford such an expensive house?” Wanting a new relationship? You could ask, “How did I get so lucky to find the person of my dreams?” “Why does he/she love me so much and treat me so well?” “Why does he make me feel so valued and seen?”

Are you starting to get it now?  

So, instead of constantly putting negative questions out there, like, “Why do men/women treat me so badly?” or “Why do I always end up in abusive relationships?” you can start asking positive relationship questions as though you already have the relationship of your dreams. In fact, you can start doing this for anything you desire to have (perfect health, prosperity, popularity, solid friendships, good looks, stylish clothing, being confident–the list goes on and on).

There are various ways you can use askfirmations.  You can listen to others’ pre-made askfirmations on YouTube (Fly G.I.R.L.S Manifesting has some great ones). There are numerous creators who have askfirmations you can drift off to sleep to.  The great thing with these is that they can seep directly into your subconscious while you sleep. A second option is the one we’ve already discussed–creating your own.  Now there are two ways to do this. You can record your own voice using apps such as Parrot, ThinkUp, or Rewired (there’s a limit to how many you can do with the free versions).  Or you can simply come up with your own and say them aloud as you look at your reflection in the mirror. I do all of the above.

I listen to others’ askfirmations, make my own using apps, and say them in the mirror as I get ready/wind down each day, (I also say them sometimes as I go about my day doing chores or running errands). Sidebar Warning: DO NOT say these looking into your rearview mirror while driving! If you are going to say your own, just remember to say them with a sense of amazement, happiness, and a feeling of gratitude as though you already have it. If you’re just starting out, don’t overwhelm yourself. Start small. Maybe just commit to listening/saying them about 10 minutes a day. Ultimately, do what suits you best.

So, now that you know about askfirmations, do you think you’ll begin using them to feel grateful in advance? I’d love to hear your thoughts. If you guys want me to go more in-depth on askfirmations, just let me know in the comments.  That’s it for now October Souls. I’ll see you all back here Thursday or Friday of next week for another post in our gratitude series.  

Until then, 

Bless your October Souls!