Fall, Past Blogger Posts

Autumn Likes

Greetings G.O. Readers! Happy First Day of Fall!  It’s our time!  This is when we thrive, (me and my fellow Autumn travelers).  The only thing that could make this day better was if it were October, (though we’re getting close to that too).  As promised, it’s now time for our Autumn, This or That post.  I pose the questions, (and provide my answers).  …


The Gambler

Greetings G.O. Readers! Thanks for checking out another edition of The Girl October blog.  I was listening to this Kenny Rogers song called, “The Gambler,” the other day, (you know the one that goes, “You gotta know when to hold them, know when to fold them, know when to walk away, and know when to run; you never count your money …

Motivation, Past Blogger Posts, Personal Development

Morph When it’s Time

Greetings, G.O. readers! Do you guys ever experience anxiety about changing your minds?  Are you ever afraid to come to the plate with a particular opinion you’re not sure about, because you don’t know if how you feel, might change in five minutes?  Or five months?  Or five years?  This can make me hesitant to share particular opinions or viewpoints, …

Books, Food/Recipes, Past Blogger Posts, Uncategorized

More Recipes! Back Around the Table

Greetings G.O. Readers! Just in time for the Fourth, I’m coming at you with some more recipe reviews!  This time our recipes are coming from a cookbook I purchased off QVC back in 2015, (I think).  It’s written by QVC host, David Venable, of the show, In the Kitchen with David.  The book is entitled, “Back Around the Table.”  Because …