Greetings G.O. readers! It’s Motivation Monday. You know over the past couple of weeks, I’ve given a lot of thought to the subject of progress. Many times I’ll get frustrated when I can’t see progress happening in my life fast enough–especially when it involves an issue I’ve been struggling with for quite some time. I want things resolved, and I …
Lemon Cupcakes
Happy Sunday, G.O. readers! I hope everyone is having a peaceful, relaxing Sunday. I’m super excited that I awoke to a much cooler morning today. Here along the Gulf Coast, it’s a treat to get a September morning that’s in the upper 50’s. Our temps don’t usually start dropping until mid to late October. It’s usually chilly by Halloween. So the …
Post Labor Day Musings (Plus Spirit Halloween)
Greetings, G.O. readers! I hope everyone had a wonderful Labor Day Weekend. Mine was pretty awesome, if I must say so myself. It provided me with a much needed recharge. Saturday was spent buzzing about in two different states, (it’s nice when you’re just 45 minutes away from your neighboring states going both east and west). Sunday was partially spent with my …
September is here!
Happy Friday, G.O. readers! Well we are four days into September! Which means we are 19 days away from it being officially Fall! I know I’m supposed to be laying off of the Fall posts some, but I couldn’t resist since August is gone. I’m trying to resist the temptation to go over to Black Friday at Gotta to …
Keys to self motivation
Good morning, G.O. readers!Happy Motivation Monday! I decided to use this blog entry to inject some motivation into your day. This won’t be a super long entry. I just wanted to introduce y’all to a gentleman that I listen to for motivation sometimes, named Les Brown. I don’t know how many of you have heard of him, but I discovered …
Pet News Saturday
Greetings, G.O. Readers! I hope everyone’s enjoying their Saturdays. I know I am. Before I go any further, I just want to give a shoutout to all my new readers to the blog. I just wanted to thank you for checking out my Girl October blog and hope you will continue to do so. And of course special thanks to …
Carrot Cakes and Premature Autumns
Greetings, G.O. Readers! Well look at me! I’m on a roll. Can’t believe I’m putting out three entries in a row. Kudos to me! I hope all you guys enjoyed the lemon brownie recipe I posted yesterday. Maybe you can try it this weekend. As you could probably tell from Monday’s entry, I’m in a premature Autumn frenzy, (and it …
Lemon Brownie Recipe
Greetings, G.O. readers! I figured before I go any further apeshit for Fall, that I better post this tasty summer dessert recipe I came across. I think I may have posted pictures of the batter on a previous blog, but never gave out the recipe. So without further adieu, this is the fabulous Lemon Brownie recipe, I discovered right before …
I’m Getting Excited
Greetings, G.O. readers! I hope everyone had a great weekend. Sorry I’ve been out of pocket lately. I think my last entry was last Monday. I intended to do another one last week, but I allowed myself to get sidetracked. Many times for me, it’s also about having something significant to say. I have a fear of just getting on here …
Compelling Thoughts
Greetings G.O. readers! I find myself having another one of those moments where I’m lacking something compelling to say; but I don’t want to get out of practice of writing often and becoming a stranger again–so here I am writing something and hoping it will take me and you, the reader, somewhere interesting. About 10 minutes later……I was sitting reading …