Is Attention Your Super-Power? If you’re like me and most other people, it’s probably not. And maybe saying “super-power” is too strong of a way to put it–but then again, maybe it isn’t; because if we can learn to master our attention, (or at least have better command over it), our lives could potentially take off in ways we could …
Attention Is the New Currency
I have something for you to consider–attention is the new currency. As promised, I’ve finally come back to discuss a commodity perhaps more valuable than money, (I can see the virtual eyerolls now–but hear me out). I came back today to talk about attention–you know, that thing we usually never seemed to have enough of in school, or when our …
The Attention Post–or Lack Thereof
Greetings, G.O. readers! I hope all of you had an awesome day! Well, I’ve got some news for you… The good news is, as promised, I have a post ready for you by Thursday (even if there are only a few hours left in the day); but the bad news is, it’s not the post I wanted to have ready …
How to Go Missing for Three Months–Oh, and Pay Attention!
Happy Sunday! And happy 2021! I know I never came back to my blog after my last post in November 2020 as I’d hoped to do; and now the first two months of the year out of here, (can you believe it?), and I’m just now feeling like I finally have enough moxie to come back on here. So, what …
2020, What Can I Say?
Greetings, my October Souls! I know it feels like it’s been 1,000 years since I last came on here and blogged or updated you guys about anything. As most of you can attest to, 2020 has been roller coaster of a year, and has had me thoroughly thrown off course. I was in the middle of marketing and selling my …
A Tough 2020 So Far
Hey, guys. Sorry that I’ve been out of pocket since the holiday season. I’ve been working behind the scenes, attempting to get things together with the site, my mission, and my planners and journals. Before I go any further into that, let me address the elephant in the room–2020, itself. I think most of us can agree that twenty-twenty has …
Smart Black Friday Shopping: Quality Vs. Quantity
It’s that time of year again! With November already almost half-way gone the pressure to find that perfect holiday gift (which may involve mad, frantic Thanksgiving or Black Friday crowds), begins to mount, causing the familiar “perfect-present anxiety.” I should know because I frequently find myself wanting to get everyone those perfect gifts that they’ll just gush over–Notice I said …
The Ultimate Halloween Playlist
Happy Friday night, guys! With the weekend upon us and Halloween less than a week away, it’s time to get your spooky playlists compiled! Whether you’re having a Halloween party or just in the mood for some creepy tunes to set the mood, having a Halloween playlist can be just the thing to get the party started! So, without further …
Halloween Movie List
Halloween is nearly upon us; which means if you haven’t already started looking at your favorite scary movies or composing your Halloween playlist, you only have 8 more days left to do so. For those of you who work during the week, there’s even less time, (especially with just one more weekend left in October). So, because my nieces and …
Michael’s Fall Décor: Part 2
Happy Wednesday, October souls! As promised in the previous post, it’s time for part two of my Michael’s Fall Décor review. Last time we went over wreaths; this time, we’ll look at some of their other autumn offerings. Okay, let’s get into it… Tall Scarecrow Man Spooky Table Centerpieces Shoes on a shelf? Fab Fall Flowers …